Kia Ora Bloggers, today I decided to make a dinner party! It was on my class blog. Have you made something like this? If so, you could maybe send me the link? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, hope you enjoyed this blog post! Blog you later! Milo
Friday, 24 September 2021
Rules for Google Meet Word Art!!!!!!

Kia Ora Bloggers, Today I decided to make a Word art about the rules of a google meet! Some of the things that I enjoyed about making this word art was because I got to think about some rules that I had never though about. Have you ever made a word art? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Milo
Thursday, 23 September 2021
My dream House!
Kia Ora everyone, Today I decided to make my dream house in a slideshow. Have you made a blog post like this? If so, you could maybe send me the link? Something that challenged me was finding photos that didn't have watermarks because a lot of the photos that I saw had watermarks. Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Milo
Friday, 17 September 2021
Kia Ora Bloggers, Today I decided to make a Blog Post about A volcano Actrostic poem. I know Kauri team has changed the subject, but I wanted to do this because it was really fun. Something that challenged me about this blog post is because when I was making this slideshow some of the letters was hard to use because not much words that related to volcanoes matched some of the letters. Have you made an Acrostic poem before? If so, you could maybe send me link. It's fine if you don't though. Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Milo
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Word Art About Me!!!!!!
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Volcano Haiku!
Kia Ora everyone, today I decided to make a volcano Haiku because it was part of my class tasks. If you made a haiku, you could maybe send me the link? Something that challenged me was trying to make sense with only a certain amount of Syllables. Have you ever made a Haiku? Was it fun to make? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Have A NICE DAY!!!!
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Would You Rather CHALLENGE!
Kia Ora bloggers, My name is Milo from room 25. A few days ago I made a blog post which had some Who Am I? Questions. If you have not checked it out, you can scroll down and try and answer some of the questions. Something that was fun about making this is I showed my parents and they answered it and it was fun. Hopefully you enjoy this presentation that I made. If you like, you can comment your opinions on what you would do. If you have some time up your sleeve You can make something like this and show it to me and I could answer the questions but it's fine if you don't. Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog. Blog You Later! Milo
Friday, 3 September 2021
Kia Ora everyone, today I decided to make a slideshow. Basically I give you a few questions and you can comment the answers in the comment section. Something that I liked about making this is I got to make some questions and since I'm usually the one doing blog ponder comments it's fun to just try out something where I ask you some questions. Do you think that you can answer these questions? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Milo
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Facts About Volcanoes!🌋
Kia Ora Bloggers! Milo here, today I decided to show you some facts about volcanoes. You may or may not of seen our room 25 blog. If you haven't here ins what we have been doing. We have been learning lots about volcanoes lately and we have been posting all about them! Has your class been doing something similar to mine? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog and with out further a do, let's get into the presentation: