Kia Ora Everyone, today I checked out my class blog and saw this project writing task. There will be a part 2 for this story as well. Something that challenged me about making this was because it was very long and it took me around half an hour to make. Have you done a task like this? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, blog you later! Here's the story: Once upon a time there was a young small boy called Thomas who was always bullied at school. He lived by one of the largest volcanoes in the world. He had no friends and he was just lost. Several times he tried to tell his mum and dad but they would just say the same old thing that they said every other day. “There is nothing to worry about, the only thing you need to do is ignore them” but it wasn’t that simple. Every day something different happened then the last. Monday for Thomas was Monday Munch which basically means all the bullies stole Thomas’s food lunch money and got soda, pizza and pies. Tuesday was called Tuesday trash bin which meant The bullies took Thomas’s lunch money and threw him in the trash bin which was full of disgusting things. Just before Thomas got out the bullies usually threw their leftover food and packaging at him. The week was basically torture for thomas. Wednesday was worse and so on and so on. The further day in the week, the worse the consequences were. Even though it wasn’t a consequence, the bullies claimed it as punishing him because he was a nerd. It was ridiculous how NO teacher believed Thomas because the bullies pretend to be amazing students but in reality they were mean bullies. One day, on the weekend Thomas was finally having a break from the school bullies. He was quite bored so he decided to go for a small walk across the block when suddenly, he heard a yell from behind his back. He slowly and cautiously turned around when he saw all the bullies chasing him on their bikes! He was too far away from home to get away. “We’re gonna beat you up” Said the leader of the bullies, who was called Tyson. It wasn’t long before the bullies had caught him. It was a saturday which meant big big big trouble. Thomas knew something worse than ever was going to happen. “Where are you taking me?!” Said Thomas in a loud voice. “Don’t worry, we won’t do anything. Just throw you in the volcano!” Thomas at start thought it was a trick or a prank until he realized it wasn’t. Time flied by and it had been already hours and the bullies forced Tomas to ride the bike because they were exhausted. The bullies had made a massive bike which could fit the whole entire gang in there. “We’re gonna throw you into lava!” Said one bully. Thomas attempted to flee several times but there was no use because every time the bullies caught up to him straight away.When they got to the very top it was basically night. There were tons of signs saying CAUTION! VERY DANGEROUS! But the bullies didn’t seem to be scared. “Ha, look how high you're gonna fall. “Wait before you throw him let me throw this massive rock to make the lava more angry” “Ye that’s a good plan” Thomas then quickly jumped out of one of the bullies arms and took their bike. He then rode down the volcano with such speed because it was downhill. Meanwhile Thomas’s mum and dad were so worried. They tried to go to the police station but due to the pandemic they could not get any policemen to help them. Thomas’s mother and father were crying until they heard a bike coming fast as heck! It was going so fast. It was Thomas! Thomas cautiously jumped off the bike and ran inside, telling the crazy story. “We’re just glad you’re safe,'' Thomas’s Dad said. His dad and mum had finally understanded him and they apologized. “Oh no!” Said Thomas. “What is it?” Said his mum. The bullies are still up the volcano. “We need to help them!” “It’s fine” everyone knows the short cut down the volcano. Remember? The firefighters told the neighbourhood in case they got stuck up there” “Oh okay” Said Thomas with a sigh of relief. He thought that the bullies might have learnt their lesson from that and he wouldn’t get bullied anymore. Meanwhile, the bullies started to take the short cut when they decided to throw one rock before they went. SPLASH! The noise was so loud and steam went everywhere. It looked so cool so they kept on doing it. After throwing rocks for around 2 minutes the volcano started to shake and a massive LAVA MONSTER came out and started to chase the bullies. “AHHHHH! Runnnn!” To be continued...
Friday, 27 August 2021
Thursday, 26 August 2021
What I have been doing lately in lockdown! (FOR THE BLOG BATTLE)
Kia Ora everyone, today I will show you some of the things I have been doing during this LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG lockdown. Did you know that yesterday there was over 60 cases of delta Valerian. I find being in lockdown kinda sucks because I can not be close to my friends or play with them. What I have been learning about lockdown is that you need to always be careful and wash your hands after you touch something yuck or before you are going to make some cookies or have dinner. What have you guys done during level 4? Do you find it annoying? Anyways, this is what I have been up to: I have kinda just chilled out but also been going on my trampoline SOOO much because it's so boring not being able to play with my friends and have a good time. Do you miss your friends? Also it was my older brothers birthday yesterday and we went to our mum's house for lunch and we had butter chicken and rice which was sooo good and yummy. If you want, here is a link step by step how to make butter chicken: LINK
Here is my own TV that I got yesterday and my birthdays next week too. I'm probably going to rainbows end after lockdown for my birthday. Here's a video of my BRAND NEW TV👌
Monday, 16 August 2021

Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Kia Ora everybody, my name is Milo from room 25. Today for CYBERSMART I made a screencastify for Quality Blog Post Comments. In this video I will be showing you what A quality blog post comment is. I accidentally spelt 'could' wrong by mistake, but I can't just make a whole new video just to spell 'could'. I enjoyed making this video because it was fun to explain how to make a really good comment. If you have time, please comment and say what I could of done better. Have you ever made a screencastify? Anyways, thank you for checking out my blog, Blog You Later<3